Episode 84: In The Zone


With a welcome break from codex reviews, the crew uses the time to tackle a different way to play the game – Zone Mortalis. This free expansion from Forge World has been around for a couple of years, and we examine how the rules change the game and the effectiveness of otherwise-ignored units and options. We also look at alternatives to Forge World’s lovely-but-expensive Zone Mortalis terrain. In addition, we take a look at the latest book from Forge World, the second edition of Imperial Armour 4: The Anphelion Project, especially from the Tyranid point of view. All this, the new re-release of Space Hulk, and our hobby progress as well!

Link: Zone Mortalis Rules (Forge World)

Theme: Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II ‘No Need to Reload’ by RoeTaKa, courtesy of OCRemix.org