Episode 300: The Midwest Conquest/Dallas Open Extravaganza

It’s our 300th episode, and we celebrate with a double-helping of event coverage! In part one, we talk about the Midwest Conquest 2024, with Dennis and Kevin running a narrative event, Rob playing in the narrative event, and Richard judging the paint competition for the GT. We’re also joined by Daniel, one of the judges, to hear about the competitive side of the convention. Then, in part two, Dennis and Kevin continue their narrative coverage with their experiences at the Dallas Open narrative event. Battles are fought, a hobby trophy is within reach, and someone ends up being the most famous!

Sponsor: Preferred Enemies on Patreon
Sponsor: KR Multicase
Sponsor: GameMat.eu

Theme: Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II ‘No Need to Reload’ by RoeTaKa, courtesy of OCRemix.