Episode 305: Tenth Edition’s First Year Gradecard

It’s been just about a year since we graded 10th Edition Warhammer 40K to determine how well it delivered on its promises after launch. Well, 12 months, 11 codexes, 2 narrative campaign books, and 2 tournament mission packs later, it’s time to see where they’ve improved and where they’ve faltered. Has faction balance recovered from its dismal state at the game’s launch? Is the game still “simplified, not simple”? Have codexes delivered quality rules without bogging the game down with too much cruft? And is the game still accessible, both to new players and to veteran wargamers? It’s time to dig in and see!

Sponsor: Preferred Enemies on Patreon
Sponsor: KR Multicase
Sponsor: GameMat.eu

Theme: Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II ‘No Need to Reload’ by RoeTaKa, courtesy of OCRemix.